
Aristotle's Psychological and Biofeedback Services.

Psychological Testing
Psychology has a long tradition of scientific research on human behavior and personality. Through this research, a multitude of psychological assessment scales have been developed to objectively and precisely measure various aspects of psychological functioning and personality characteristics.

Intellectual ability (IQ) –Psychologists have developed assessment scales to measure the intellectual ability of an individual. There are many ability tests that measure intellectual functioning.

Memory functioning - Memory can be impaired without demonstrated decline in intellectual ability. There are several scales of memory assessment, as well as scales that are designed to measure malingered memory problems, and different types of memory.
Personality traits – A different combination of personality characteristics contributes to the vast range of individual differences we observe. Some personality tests are designed to describe personality differences among “normal” individuals, while others are designed to identify abnormal patterns of personality, and others are designed to identify specific “personality disorders”.

Neuropsychological problems – We can identify the extent of brain damage suffered during a trauma be measuring the behavioral deficits and personality changes that have developed. These tests provide valuable information about the extent of injuries to the bran as well as providing a direction for rehabilitation for individuals with brain injuries.

Sensori-motor problems – Psychologists have developed assessment scales to identify these sensory problems. These tests results help plan the course of an illness, or measure progress in cognitive rehabilitation.

Learning Problems - Neurological in origin, learning disabilities impede a child’s ability to store, process, and produce information. Learning Disabilities can affect the ability to read, write, communicate, and can impair socialization skills. Poor performance on school tests, difficulty with time concepts, distorted concept of body image, difficulty discriminating size, shape, and other symptoms include inability to consistently complete work on time, poor spatial and organizational skills, and failure to see consequences for his or her actions. Plus there are variations in mood, poor adjustment to environment changes and difficulty concentrating.

IQ Tests
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Adults

Memory Tests
Wechsler Memory Scale
Academic Achievement
Wechsler Individual Achievement Test
Wide Range Achievement Test

Perceptional Tests
Integrated Visual and Auditory Continuous Performance Test

Personality Tests
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
Adults and Adolescent version available
16 Personality factors
Milan Clinical Multi Axel Inventory III

Projective Test Battery
Thematic Apperception Test
Incomplete Sentence Blank